“Street Therapy Interactive” is used as a teacher/counselor’s guide in our Life Skills class. I have first-handedly seen Reeves deal calmly and effectively with the most troubled youth. I was first attracted to the book because I was interested is gaining his “secret to success” with the youth I am seeing and building this year. Strengths: all the above mentioned and it’s easy read, training manual is a quick pull out guide the kind teachers actually use, and the book/guide does not ask anyone to change who they are but makes educators reevaluate their interactions with trouble youth. It reminds all to be patient and to think before acting. The book also is good at explaining how troubled youth see and understand their environment and how we as educators need to be able to see things also in troubled youth’s eyes. This understanding will go a long way in making connections with “Great ideas on connecting with kids, Easy to read and implement, Proven concepts that work”