Behavior Management Educational
Technology System

STI Educational Programs

3 Street Therapy Interactive Educational Programs:

  • k-6 Grade
  • 7th-8th Grade
  • 9th-12th Grade

12 Progression Levels

  1. Walk to School
  2. School Bus
  3. Classroom
  4. Restroom
  5. Cafeteria
  6. Recess/Playground
  1. School Grounds
  2. Transition Time/Locker
  3. Phy Ed class
  4. Cooking class
  5. Field Trip to Zoo
  6. Special Education Classroom

25 Categories

  1. Bullying
  2. Cigarettes/Tobacco
  3. Gang Affiliation
  4. How to Talk to your Parents
  5. Play Fighting
  6. Harassment/Provoking
  7. Peer Pressure
  8. Dressing Appropriately
  9. How to be a Leader
  10. Teen Sex
  11. Drug Use
  12. Street Language/Appropriate language
  13. Instigating/Gossiping
  1. Internet and Sexting
  2. Snitching to help
  3. Stealing
  4. Safety
  5. Racism/Different Cultures
  6. Values and Morals
  7. Study Skills
  8. Conflict Resolution
  9. Mediation
  10. Reflection
  11. Journaling
  12. Goal Setting
“Creating a thriving educational environment starts with managing behaviors and attitudes. If you can’t manage your classroom you can’t teach.”
Frederick Reeves, Educator