Mr. Reeves
Frederick L. Reeves graduated from Metropolitan State University with a B.A. in Psychology. He earned his Masters from St. Mary’s University of MN in Psychological Counseling and received his K-12 Administrative License and Director of Special Education licensure from the University of MN. Mr. Reeves has worked for over 18 years as an educator, counselor, motivational speaker, mentor and coach. His experience includes working as a Special Education Teacher, Cultural Liaison and Behavior Specialist. He has counseled troubled teens, young adults, including those with Learning Disabilities, Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity, and Other Health Disabilities. His practice has included counseling mandated juveniles and adolescents on probation.
During his career he has completed many duties including, psychological testing, peer mediation and conflict resolution. As a special education teacher and cultural liaison, he modified and adapted curriculum to meet the needs of students receiving special education. He has worked closely with probation officers and the courts to monitor behavior and progress of offenders.
Mr. Reeves is a leader among leaders. He possesses an uncanny ability to motivate and unite people of all races to accomplish defined objectives and goals. Under his transformational leadership, many educators have grown both as professionals and been taught how to build meaningful relationships with students, give and get respect, and implement effective classroom management.
Mr. Reeves is a master of communication and ‘thinking outside of the box’. His communication of his vision inspires others to become leaders in their given fields. Mr. Reeves is a leader who radiates confidence, doesn’t buy excuses and settles for nothing less than working to reach his ultimate goal of all students being treated equally and receiving a quality education.
He has a keen ability to network in any circle and move groups toward a common focal point. Mr. Reeves is proficient in humanities, education, psychology, and counseling. He takes his work very seriously. In 2004 Mr. Reeves wrote a book called Street Therapy Interactive which eventually evolved into Street Therapy Interactive including educational software. Sharing his approach to intervention with troubled young people and instructing others in the use of his Street Therapy Interactive techniques has formed the basis of his consulting business known as Street Therapy Interactive.
Mr. Reeves has an excellent track record as a leader, educator, mentor, cultural liaison, behavioral specialist, educational assistant, coach, teacher of adults and students, and extensive experience working with a diverse population including troubled teens, inner city youth, minorities, low income students and gang members.
Christine Sonenblum
Lecturer; Administrative Licensure Coordinator
Chris Sonenblum earned her Ph.D. in educational administration from the University of Minnesota in 1992 while working as a Director of Special Education—a role she has filled in several Minnesota school districts over the past 25 years. Originally from Vermont, Dr. Sonenblum worked in education in Maine, Colorado and Arizona before settling in Minnesota in 1977. She completed her master’s degree from St. Cloud State University in 1983. She began her career in higher education as an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of MN in 2003 and has continued teaching OLPD 5368 Leadership for Special Education Services continuously since then. Dr. Sonenblum recently joined the staff of the University of MN Twin Cities campus as a member of the OLPD faculty working in the area of Administrative Licensure. She has filled similar roles in advising graduate students, overseeing field placements, and teaching graduate courses at St. Mary’s University of MN, MN State University at St. Cloud, and St. Catherine University, experiences which led to her receipt of the Minnesota Administrators for Special Education (MASE) Legacy Award in 2013. A frequent presenter at State and National Conferences, Dr. Sonenblum has worked in the areas of Educational Equity, Individualized Instruction, Dispute Resolution and Inter-Cultural Adaptation. Immediately prior to accepting her current assignment, Dr. Sonenblum was the Director of Student Services for Roseville Area Schools overseeing staff and programs in Special Education, English Learning, Student Support, Health Services and providing District-wide leadership and management as a member of the Superintendent’s Cabinet.
Frederick Reeves, M.A. EducatorBMETS
“As educators we let kids get away with inappropriate behaviors and at times we bail them out or reward them. At that moment we think we’re saving them not knowing we’re setting them up for failure in the real world”
“Creating a thriving educational environment starts with managing behaviors and attitudes. If you can’t manage your classroom you can’t teach.”Frederick Reeves, Educator